Badly and Bad

More adjectives vs. adverbs:

 Bad is an adjective, which means it is the description of something, such as  “bad meat”, “bad habits” “bad day.”

Badly is an adverb as in “he plays golf badly” or “acting badly.” 

So whenever someone tells you they “feel badly” about something, do they really mean they can also “feel goodly” about something?

About writeswrong

Just another person who sees (and hears) too many grammatical mistakes when reading or watching television.
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1 Response to Badly and Bad

  1. Avid Reader says:

    Makes sense. I can’t stand it when someone says, “Don’t take it personal”. It should be stated “Don’t take it personally” because there’s this thing called an adverb as pointed out by WritesWrong.
    Question: Is the singer Monica to blame for this gross grammatical mistake as she says in her song “Don’t take it personal”? Hmmmm……

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